This year, we're making some adjustments to the youth group program. Although the format will be the same (split times for middle school and high school), and a lot of the elements will be the same (Flex Time, worship, message, small groups)...the focus will change a bit. Instead of prioritizing a large-group message followed by a brief time of small groups, the large-group message will be brief and the bulk of the teaching will take place in the small group setting.
Also, the program will have two different type of program nights: NCC Nights & Party Nights. NCC Nights are going to be the "normal youth group night" and Party Nights are..well....self-explanatory. We will have 25 NCC Nights and 7 Party Nights!
Party Nights:
Mar. 9th-Retro Night
May 4th-Casi el Cinco de Mayo y la Dia de Star Wars Fiesta
The other type of program night, the "normal" youth group night, will be our NCC Nights. We are naming them after the curriculum driving our teaching and discussions: The New City Catechism. Our heartbeat here is simple...we want our students to not only know WHAT they believe, but also be able to understand WHY they believe it.
"In centuries past, the church used catechisms to teach foundational Christian doctrines. In today's world of shifting beliefs, this communal practice of learning biblical truths via questions and answers is more needed than ever before. Seeking to restore this ancient method of teaching to the regular life of the church, The New City Catechism is a gospel-centered, modern-day resource that not only summarizes important Christian beliefs through 52 questions and answers but also helps readers be transformed by those doctrines." -The NCC Team
You can find more information, and resources, at the NCC website
Each week, we'll have a short time of large-group teaching that will introduce the question(s) for the week, followed by a smaller group discussion led by one of our adult leaders where a deeper dive into the question(s) will take place.
Although we are going to strive to update this page with resources, as well as provide regularly resource sheets at youth group, we highly encourage you to familarize yourself with the content, even purchasing curriculum resources from NCC directly.