At BCC, we want you to discover the gifts that God has given you and help you use those gifts to further His Kingdom. This page will have the latest openings in our existing, and future avenues for growth. Check back here often.
Grow Together: Prayer Chain
If you have a prayer request, contact Arlene Yost @ 989-329-7990. If you have an interest in being part of the prayer chain click on the link below and we will contact you to answer questions and get you signed up.
GROW Together: BCC membership
Join or membership or explore the possibilities. Click on the link below and we will contact you to answer any questions, and get you started.
GROW Together: Route 28 Youth Ministry
Meets every Sunday evening. Youth Group for Middle school and High School students. Christ centered lessons, sharing time, games and special events. Click on the link below and we will contact you to answer any questions, and get you started.
Grow Together: Women's Ministry Team
BCC Women's ministry is a central place for women to be connected, encouraged, and equipped to make disciples through discipleship communities, mentoring, special events, worship and community outreach. If you have questions or would like to serve please click on the link below and we will contact you to answer any questions and get you involved.
Grow Together: BCC Prayers & Squares
Prayers & Squares is a prayer ministry that makes quilts for someone in special need; they have been made for cancer patients, people facing surgery or illness, children or adults in difficult family situations – for many reasons, but each for someone in special need of the healing power of prayer.
The BCC Prayers & Squares Ministry will meet on the second Sunday of each month in the fellowship hall to make quilt tops, tie quilts, and pray over the quilts. You do not need to have any sewing skills to be part of this ministry.