Discipleship COMMUNITIES

The purpose of discipleship community groups is to have a forum for people to connect, share a meal, share each others’ burdens, pray for one another, grow in Christ, and discuss biblical issues throughout the week. These groups take place throughout the week (including Sunday mornings) -- at homes, the church building, coffee shops....anywhere, really -- and are open to all. 

For specific info on how to get involved or visit one of these discipleship communities, email Pastor Jeremiah: jeremiah@browncorners.org

Sunday morning Classes

This is a list of our current Discipleship Classes that meet on Sunday mornings at 10am. If you have any questions about any of the classes, feel free to contact us on the 'Contact Us' tab at the top of the website!

  • Revelation

    A Jen Wilkin study

    Revelation shouldn’t leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, though, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Study Revelation verse-by-verse to discover how the last book of the Bible is accessible, helpful, and speaks a steadying word of assurance and endurance to the church in every age.


    Teacher: Kathie Kinzel

    Room: C7

  • Judges

    An Old Testament Study


    The journey of God’s people continues as we study Judges. God’s people are in the land promised to them but are falling into sin. The cycle of sin and repentance replays over and over. God’s sends them leaders called judges to keep them from turning away from Him, but these judges are sinful and flawed too. Dive in with us as we study Judges and some of the heroes of the faith like Gideon, Deborah, and Samson. 


    Teacher: Greg Robinson and Todd Palmer

    Room: Prayer Room

  • Belief that Behaves: The Book of Ephesians

    A David Jeremiah study


    As Christians, our true wealth isn’t impacted by the stock market or influenced by inflation. The blessings we have in Christ are secure and ready for us today! The apostle Paul began his letter to the Ephesians by describing these rich, marvelous blessings. He highlighted the way our Christian walk, our behavior, is grounded not in our ability to do what’s right but in God’s blessings to us. In Belief That Behaves, Dr. David Jeremiah will guide you through Paul’s epistle, describing the depth and beauty of God’s blessings to you. With each page, you will be motivated to live a life of obedience as you reflect on all God has given you.


    Teacher: Sally Wess

    Room: E1

  • Read Through the Bible in a Year 

    Finishing our Chronological Reading Plan

    Join us as we finish up the New Testament covering 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Romans, Acts, Colossians, Ephesians, Phillippians, 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus, 1st and 2nd Peter, Hebrews, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John, and Revelation. We will assign reading each week and discuss it in class.


    Teacher: Jeff Mulheron and Steve Evans

    Room: C3 Activity Room

  • 1st Timothy and Stories of David

    Practical Application Study

    Join us as we dig deep into the last parts of 1st Timothy and then into the life of David. This class digs deep into the word and discussion of weekly reading. From discussions you will find practical applications for daily living. 


    Teacher: Steve Fair and Sam Troyer

    Room: R3

  • Acts

    A David C. Cook Study

    The book of Acts is a carefully-recorded history of the explosive spread of the gospel and the rapid growth of the church after Christ's ascension. In one of the most tumultuous, violent and dramatic books in the entire Bible, Acts starts with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, without which the young church could never have survived the unleashing of rage and prejudice towards these radical followers of The Way.


    Teacher: Tom Halberda

    Room: E2

  • Genesis

    An Old Testament Study

    Join us as we study verse by verse the book of beginnings, Genesis.  From creation, to the fall of man, to the beginnings of God’s promise of salvation and redemption, Genesis sets the stage for God’s story of His plan for mankind! 

    Teacher: Rick & Jo Harris

    Room: R5

Sunday evening Groups

Sunday evening classes resume September 16, from 5pm-6:30pm, which is the same time as our Children's Ministry and our Middle School Student Ministry.  For more information on the Student Ministries, click on the 'Ministries' tab at the top of the page.

  • Kids Club

    Pre K - 4th Grade

  • Youth Groups

    Every Sunday evening we host a weekly youth group program for students from 5th-8th grade (middle school) and another program for students from 9th-12th grade (high school).

    Our Middle School Youth Group program runs from 5pm-6:30pm every Sunday evening.  

    Our High School Youth Group program runs from 7pm-8:30pm every Sunday evening.

    Although the program varies week to week, our priority is to create an opportunity for students to connect with their peers, caring adults and God in a unique, friendly, fun, and welcoming environment so that they can grow closer to one another as we all grow closer to God!  If you have more questions or would like more information on the Student Ministry, feel free to click the link below to be redirected to our BCC Students Page!

    BCC Students