casting call

The Brown Corners Players Present:

"Casting Call" by Eddie James

    The play centers around a series of casting calls for different parts in the Living Nativity which include the parts for Mary, Joseph, Wise Men and more.  Join us as we listen in on each session and learn the true motivation for the nativity characters.
    Each evening show includes dinner prior to the show.  The Saturday afternoon show includes dessert during the show.  Doors will open 30 minutes prior to ticket time.  All reservations must be made in advance to allow seating arrangements to be made.

Tickets are $15/person for the evening shows and the Saturday matinee is $8/person.


December 5th, 6:30pm

December 6th, 6:30pm

December 7th, 2:00pm

December 7th, 6:30pm

Purchase Tickets