Reality APologetics CONFERENcE

At STR, we believe “Christianity is the best explanation of the way things are.” It aligns with the true nature of the universe, life, objective truth, morality, and the human experience, including the significance of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.

Many students mistakenly view Christianity as mere fantasy. At our student apologetics conferences, we’re pushing back by using our greatest ally: Reality. Christianity isn’t a made-up story divorced from reality; it is the true story of reality. 

Join us for our two-day REALITY conferences to explore why we affirm that Christianity best explains the world as it is.

For more info, including speakers and breakout session details, check out the link below:

The cost is $125/student and includes all meals, transportation, lodging, and conference registration fee.

Scholarships ARE available upon request.  

Sample Schedule:

Friday, 3:45pm-Depart from BCC

Friday, 9:00pm-Arrive at hotel
Saturday, 7am-Breakfast at hotel

Saturday, 8am-4:30pm-Conference things

Saturday, 9:3o-ish pm-Return to BCC


Participation Agreement